Our Sustainable Actions

STF - Sustainable Travel Finland

The Sustainable Travel Finland programme (STF) is designed to provide companies and destinations with a comprehensive toolkit for effectively adopting responsible practices. It offers a path for sustainable tourism development that is regularly audited by a third party.

The programme is free of charge and open to the entire tourism industry in Finland.

Companies and destinations that undergo the entire programme are recognized with the Sustainable Travel Finland label. The label is a definitive symbol of commitment towards sustainable practices and principles.


For the tourism industry to be able to respond to changing demand and secure its future, development must be sustainable. For this purpose, Visit Finland has developed the Sustainable Travel Finland program for tourism companies and regions and the Sustainable Travel Finland label that can be achieved with it.

Together with the tourism industry, Visit Finland is responsible for promoting tourism to Finland from abroad. Visit Finland creates an international image of Finland as a desirable travel destination and supports national companies and business groups in the development and marketing of tourism services intended for the international market.

In our family business, we try to take into consideration the different aspects of sustainability in our everyday operations. Sustainability has had a significant role in our company for years. Accommodation operations have been developed in the long term to be year-round, and everyone works towards a common goal, i.e. the goal is to keep the operating environment and business healthy for future generations as well.

In addition, international travelers are an important customer group for us, and we want to share our sustainable actions with them as well.

EcoCompass Certificate

Our company has participated in the EU project called Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism since November 2023, and one of its goals has been to develop the sustainable actions of tourism companies. The project has also focused on regenerative tourism.

During the project the companies have been able to apply for a certificate. Therefore, Lomamokkila and B&B Taipaleenniemi started development work aimed at certification in the spring of 2024.

We researched various certificates and ended up with EcoCompass certificate offered by the Finnish Nature Conservation Association. We created an environmental program for our company, which we develop and renew over the years.


In our opinion, the certification path was quite smooth. We noticed that we had been acting responsibly and sustainably for years and it was easy to meet the criteria required by the certificate. Our accommodation company can be regarded as a SME for which EcoCompass certificate is well suited. The certificate is flexible and takes into account small companies too.

In June 2024, we completed the environmental program of EcoCompass certificate for the first audit, and on the 11th of June 2024 Lomamokkila and B&B Taipaleenniemi were awarded EcoCompass certificate. So now we continue our work aimed at the well-being of our environment and develop our sustainable actions.

EcoCompass certificate is a Finnish environmental system suitable for SMEs, events and other organizations. EcoCompass certificate is always built from the starting point of the organization.

The environmental system of the EcoCompass certificate makes our environmental work systematic, and it allows us to show that we take environmental issues into account in our operations. Continuous improvement is the most central principle of environmental management. Our goal is to continuously develop operations and at least maintain the level of the achieved goals.

The environmental promise we give in the EcoCompass environmental system:

Lomamokkila undertakes to implement the sustainable development of tourism and to actively reduce the environmental impact of its own operations. Our company uses renewable energy in its operations and is looking for new opportunities to utilize it. We encourage our customers to make environmentally friendly choices and offer information about responsible and innovative tourism. In order to develop our operations, we have participated in regenerative tourism training, organized as an EU project called CE4RT, i.e. Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism.


CE4RT - Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism

Our company has participated in the EU project called CE4RT since November 2023, and one of its goals has been to develop the sustainable actions of tourism companies. The project has also focused on regenerative tourism.

The focus of the CE4RT project is to provide tourism SMEs with the tools to implement regenerative practices as a long-term strategy within their region and to contribute to the continued resilience, viability and competitiveness of the industry.

Altogether 80 SMEs from across the network were chosen to participate in this project. We have been able to participate in a range of activities such as training seminars, mentoring, coaching, community events and familiarisation trips.

During CE4RT project, we were able to participate in a field trip. We made an interesting trip to Iceland in April 2024. We visited for example a tomato farm which uses boiling water from the ground to heat their green houses, and stayed in a hotel where sustainability is taken into consideration by furnishing rooms with recycled furniture and using local products in their kitchen.

In addition, the companies have been able to apply for a certificate. Therefore, Lomamokkila and B&B Taipaleenniemi started development work aimed at certification in the spring of 2024. We researched various certificates and ended up with the Ekokompassi certificate offered by the Finnish Nature Conservation Association. We created an environmental program for our company, which we develop and renew over the years.

In June 2024, we completed the environmental program of the Ekokompassi certificate for the first audit, and on June 11, 2024 Lomamokkila and B&B Taipaleenniemi were awarded the Ekokompassi certificate.


During the CE4RT project, we learned more about responsible, sustainable and regenerative tourism. Sustainable and responsible tourism is already a familiar concept to many, but nowadays there is more and more talk about regenerative tourism.

Regenerative tourism is an activity in which the traveler leaves the destination a better place than it was when he arrived. Instead of minimizing or correcting negative effects, the aim is to bring something better to the destination so that the destination and the local companies and people can flourish.

Sustainable tourism is when current and future economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts are taken into consideration so that the needs of tourists, tourism companies, tourist destinations, the environment and the local population are taken into account now and in the future.

Responsible tourism is a sustainable and profitable way to travel, and the choices have a positive impact on the environment, economy and culture.

Our goal is to continue our sustainable and responsible tourism activities, that is, we use renewable energy and even increase it, we recycle our waste more efficiently and we take care of our forests and the rest of our environment, so that we take biodiversity into account. We also invest in regenerative tourism in such a way that tourists get nature experiences in our nearby forest and at the same time we also get to tell them about Finnish forests and forestry.